I believe that social media and technology is the most popular activity and material that people get attached and attracted to. In today’s generation, it has a part in some people’s lives that we may or may not use online source and because of that, it changes our lifestyle and society. Online activities such as Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Amazon, Google, and others are giving us some advantages and disadvantages such as it allows us to look for information about articles, histories or in ourselves, making online businesses, and to communicate with each other. One of the reasons why social media has a good effect on us is we can communicate easily with people such as our relatives, friends, and with others like our co-workers. Based on my experience, I used to hang out and talk with my relatives in the Philippines personally. But when I came here in the United States, it changes everything like the way we used to talk. Now, I have been using my online accounts such as my Facebook, Skype, and my Snapchat to communicate with them. In addition, using Twitter will get you more friends everywhere. Therefore, according to Moreau in the article, “The Pros and Cons of Social Networking”, she says that, “Use Facebook to stay in touch with your old high school friends who've relocated all over the country, get on Google+ with relatives who live halfway around the world, or meet brand new people on Twitter from cities or regions you've never even heard of before”(Moreau), she proves
One danger that is often overlooked by social networking users is social comparison. The phrase “social comparison” refers to the idea that people determine their own self-worth through evaluating and comparing themselves to others. This is especially prevalent on social networking sites. Users of social networking sites often strive to make their lives seem perfect. In order to achieve this, users will only post their “highlights” or positive points in their lives. One author states, "When you're on a site like Facebook, you get lots of posts about what people are doing. That sets up social comparison — you maybe feel your life is not as full and rich as those people you see on Facebook,” ("Social Media: Does social media have a positive impact on the world?"). However, it is not the fact that the users may unintentionally be posting only their highlights that could be potentially dangerous. Rather, it is the fact that another user may compare their own life to another user’s. For example, a user could be scrolling through a site and see another user’s highlights and begin comparing their own life to the other user’s. As a result, a user could start to develop a lower self-esteem. Their sense of self-worth may also be damaged in the process. This obsession of one’s self-image can have severe consequences such as feelings of depression or loneliness ("Social Media: Does social media have a positive impact on the world?").
Social media is used as a form of communication that many people use to communicate with friends and family. “Any website that invites you to interact with the site and with other visitors falls into the definition of social media” (Nations). However, there are many pros and cons to the new communication system.
Social media such as Facebook, Twitter, MySpace, Instagram, and Flicker was invented to keep us in touch and keep us closer to our family and friends. But according to How Facebook ruins Friendships “we took our friendship online” (Bernstein). First we began communicating more by email than by phone and then switched to instant messaging or texting. By joining social Medias online
Throughout the past couple of years the use of social media has kept climbing. Technology is a main factor in this. Technology is changing every single day. People want the newest and fastest phone, tablet, television, or computer. “Technology causes people to use less energy and to get what they want right away. Technology is changing the way that we live our lives. With the advances in technology we are enabled to complete more tasks in less time, and often times, with
In today’s century social media is the main way to communicate with people with people all over the world. It has become very popular... even more popular than a text or video message. Social media is a computer technology that facilitates the creation and sharing of information, ideas, career interests and other forms of expression via communities and networks. The variety of social media services that are currently available can help benefit businesses, introduce an event, or even help you find a friend, family member, or long lost soulmate. Some social sites even help you find love. However, there are many positive things that can come out social media but there are many negatives too.
Social media is a controversy topic in today’s society. Some people think that social media destroys human interaction and real life human relationships. While others think that social media is a bless to humanity. Social media makes human interaction much more convenient and much faster than real life human interaction, it makes globalization a reality, it gives a chance for introverted people to express themselves, and it also benefit develop international relationships whether its business or social.
Social media is the collective of online communications channels dedicated to community-based input, interaction, content-sharing and collaboration. As out-of-date business practices begin to transition from hierarchy- based structures to team-based companies, businesses are utilising social media as a communication tool with their employees and customers. Web – based networks such as Facebook, Twitter and Instagram are attracting consumer marketing companies to use these networks to reach their tailored demographics. Retail businesses upload clothing online, restaurants promote meals and media companies post music. Already social media is revolutionizing marketing by shifting dollars from purchased media advertisements to businesses building their own outlets and content. Kraft Foods, for example, is now one of the largest publishers of food-related materials. IBM is launching thought leadership communities. PepsiCo uses social networks to reach millions of social entrepreneurs in lieu of advertising at the Super Bowl. From a leadership perspective, social networking is making authentic leadership a reality and a necessity for 21st century leaders.
Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and YouTube. What do these four sites have in common? They are
Internet and Social Media go hand in hand. According to Statista.com, “there are more than 2.4 billion social media users in the world while Facebook remains the leading social network since September 2017.” Like many other things, internet and social media have their own positives and negatives. Some of the positives are social learning, it acts as a voice for the society and it encourages self-love and appreciation. Though it still has its own disadvantages, some are; it promotes cyberbullying, differentiation and jealousy, and it also affects our studies.
Social Media also known as Social Network Site (SNS) is a platform used by many for many years. As of 2017, there is around 2.4 billion social media users and over 20 popular social media websites. According to Grant (2016), What is an SNS? According to Boyd and Ellison (2008), there are three criteria that a website must meet to be considered an SNS. A website must allow users to “(1) construct a public or semi-public profile within a bounded system, (2) articulate a list of other users with whom they share a connection, and (3) view and traverse their list of connections and those made by others within the system” (boyd & Ellison, 2008, p. 211). These guidelines may seem to restrict what can be considered an SNS, however there are still literally hundreds of vastly diverse websites that are functioning as such.” (p.269). It is a way to communicate with others, network and befriend new people.
Social Media helps businesses to have meaningful conversations with their customers. Relevant social media platforms include Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Instagram, Youtube, Pinterest, and Snapchat. Each of these different platforms have pros and cons. Facebook can help to connect with the community, boost traffic and sales, as well as find new customers. Twitter is best used as a real-time way for businesses to connect with the community in short, easy to read messages. Linkdin helps to connect businesses to other proffessionals and businesses in their industry. Instagram is a good place for photos and videos and can help promote the culture of the brand. Youtube can be used to promote new products and services, and use a series of
Online is where teens can post their problems and try to get advice. Once somebody puts information on a networking site, there is no erasing it, it is permanently on there and can be shared with the whole electronic world. Greenfield and Yan in their studies claim that social networking sites have done a great deal in persuading teens to partake in adult and illegal activities and use sites as a source where teens can spill their lives out. Teens don't realize what kind of consequences a simple post of alcohol or drug related can have on them in the future. Just because you are hiding behind a wall of social media doesn't mean that you still can't get in trouble with the law. Teens are being overwhelmed with the general public drowning them in material they are not quite mature enough to deal with yet. Networking sites are filled with risky behavior and, “ 81% referenced alcohol, and 27% discussed illegal drugs” (Greenfield). These statistics are very high considering the amount of information is shared on a certain social media site every day. Developers are trying to come up with a filter or function that will be imvemted into every social media website where they can advertise alcohol or drug related content to minors and if they are not twenty one years of age, then the advertisement will be blocked. Anything that is related to being older will soon be blocked. This is for the safety of the kids. Alcohol related issues along with drugs can damage a teens self esteem
Do you have a social media account? I do, and I use to be very involved with it as well. I also posted pictures of myself, family, friends, what I was doing that night or where I was. In reality, I didn’t think much of the account at all, but just a means to show myself to everyone whom I was friends with, which I have barely talked to before and during that time, what I was doing. I didn’t realize how much I was showing the world who I am, who are my family members, where I live and almost everything else. For me, social media use to be my life until finding out how my privacy was exposed to the public, and it was frightening but, there are some advantages and disadvantages of having a social media account.
In today’s world, social media is what connects people to each other. Whether talking to an old friend, discussing work with fellow employees, or meeting total strangers social media is the default platform. Many older people say that social media is unhealthy for society because it apparently creates less empathetic people, provides an avenue for bullying, and provides kids with less contact with people face to face. While those arguments are valid, there are flaws in how they are interpreted and when compared to the positives, can’t stand too well. A few of the positives of social media include people being able to communicate to people from all over the planet, free entertainment that can showcase new and upcoming talented people, and a way for someone to express himself to more people than he ever could without social media. Now, let us look at the arguments for why social media is bad in a little more detail.
In today's world it's like we are all in a network state. Social media can play a major role in our lives through the way we portray one another. Not many people know this but many companies look through your social media before hiring you. I would want to know my employer personally before hiring them because at some point people on social media post about drug abuse and provocative images and comments. Your social media reflects off of you as of who you are as an intellectual person and not everyone on social media portrays themselves as a well spoken person. Colleges and universities are now going more indepth into looking at your resume. Why look at your resume when you are taught to only brag and talk about your positives on there when on social media you share your true thoughts and feelings. Although social media may have bad impacts on student lives there are some pros, for example for students the key to success is studying and most college students do their studying online.