
The Pros And Cons Of The American Grading System

Good Essays

Ashley Lamb-Sinclair discusses the disadvantages of the American grading system in her article “Why Grades Are Not Paramount to Achievement.” I agree that the grading system has plenty of faults and is a broken system. I understand that it can represent improvements and record work in an organized matter, however, I believe the system is unjust in countless different ways, it presents a single one letter grade for the entire half of the entire school year, completely disregarding the time and effort that went into every single project and assignment. Occasionally, I will hardly put in any effort into something and still obtain a promising grade, which is unfair since the assignment is left neglected and the topic is still confusing. The other …show more content…

This is known as an extrinsic motivation, when you gain money, fame or, praise for favorable grades. Grades can also be influenced by your own internal fulfillment known as intrinsic motivation. I struggle often with both intrinsic and extrinsic motivations because when my grades are favorable my parents are proud, however i was never previously motivated by their praises before, now it is a good encouragement to keep me going. Also, different scholarships that go with admirable grades are another extrinsic motivation. Nonetheless, I do enjoy obtaining A’s because it means that I can excel at something and because of my perfectionist behavior it is enjoyable by nature to achieve nothing other than the top letter grade. Lamb-Sinclair affirms “Research has shown time and again that intrinsic motivation leads to more profound learning.” Likewise, a desire to learn from your own natural attitude is by far the best way to learn. When you truly want to learn about a topic and are not pressured by an outside demand it is so much easier to learn. During my youth, before I was able to attend school, I had a passion to learn and read, I made my grandpa read me books continuously, and after i learned to read myself I continued to read a great deal but after long school days and a pressure to record my reading it got tiring and I no longer appreciated it nearly as much as I used to. Today this remains, I find

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