
The Pros And Cons Of The Congress Of Vienna

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Head of European governments were seeking to establish a long-lasting peace and stability on the continent after the defeat of Napoleon. A series of meetings in Vienna, known as the Congress of Vienna, were called to set up policies to achieve this goal. The Congress of Vienna was scheduled to last four weeks however, it went on for eight months. There were many positive outcomes from this but also some negatives. Metternich had three goals at the Congress of Vienna. He wanted to prevent future French aggression by surrounding France with strong countries. Also, he wanted to restore a balance of power, so that no country would be a threat to others. Lastly, he wanted to restore Europe’s royal families to the thrones they had held before Napoleon’s conquests. The congress set up the Congress System to settle disputes between European countries through diplomacy and negotiation instead of way. …show more content…

The continent-wide efforts to establish and maintain a balance of power decreases the size and the power of France. It left or returned much of Europe and its peoples to the control of foreign powers. Nationalism began to spread in Italy, germany, Greece, and to other areas. The Austrians gained most of northern Italy. The Polish Duchy of Warsaw was taken back by Russia and Prussia. However, Russia kept Finland. Lastly, the German Confederation was politically dominated by Austria. All of this might result in revolutions and new nations forming. To conclude, these were the pros and cons of the Congress of Vienna and its impact on politics in

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