
The Pros And Cons Of The Death Penalty

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The first laws establishing the death penalty date back to Eighteenth Century B.C. in the Code of King Hammaurabi of Babylon which categorized twenty-five different crimes punishable by death. The death penalty law was also present in the Hittite Empire, Athens, And Rome. The early methods of the death sentence were carried out throw means of crucifixion, drowning, beating to death, beating to death, burning alive and impalement. Methods progressed to mostly hanging and commonality in beheading, boiling, burning at the stake, drawing and quartering. As America became to be populated by Europeans, the tradition of Capital Punishment traveled to the newly discovered land. In the 1700’s many theorists like Montesquieu, Voltaire, Bentham, and English Quakers like John Bellers and John Howard began to challenge the controversial law and push for abolition. The abolition movement, still present, persuaded nineteen state to outlaw Capital Punishment. America's death penalty outlines forty-one offenses a major being murder but including espionage, and treason. The death penalty is dangerous for the United States of America because, it is inhumane going against the eighth amendment, it puts many innocent people to death, jury members can be bias towards the inmate, it entails higher cost for taxpayers over the cost of incarceration and it does not deter people from commiting crimes.
Capital punishment has proven multiple times to go against amendments stated in the bill of rights.

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