Leader of British Labour Party: Israel must leave Palestine Liverpool - SP - The leader of the British Labour Party, Jeremy Corbin invites the world community to protect the rights of the Palestinian people and called on Israel to end occupation. It was submitted in a meeting of solidarity for Palestine held in Liverpool on Tuesday (11/10). Jeremy also appreciated those who consistently maintain justice and peace, and those who make sacrifices to restore the rights of the Palestinian nation. Jeremy said: "I have participated over the years give support to the Palestinian people and today I ask that the occupation of Palestine is stopped." He was proud to provide support to the Palestinians in the polls in British Parliament. According to
“Life, liberty and the pursuit of property (happiness)” is a familiar phrase known from the United States’ Declaration of Independence. It says that we believe these are the three inalienable rights of all human beings and that it is the government’s job to protect these absolute privileges. Extensive advocation of these inalienable rights of man date back to the time of John Locke, over 300 years ago. In Emile Habiby’s novel, The Secret Life of Saeed the Pessoptimist, we meet Saeed, a Palestinian who becomes a citizen of Israel. Through his stories we are shown the inequality Arabs in Israel face and how the ‘inalienable’ rights we take for granted are being withheld from Israeli Arabs.
- Supports Palestine and Israel becoming two individual countries and establishing new borders between the two states
His article argues that the Israelis won the Arab- Israeli War of 1948 and therefore were able to shape its history through their lens, but their version of the conflict is flawed and the information now available undermines what they claimed to be true. He stated that the Zionist version of the truth is just propaganda, spread in a way to make them look like innocent bystanders and the victims and the Arabs as the
The Jews seem to have more support over the arabs in terms of re-establishing their national homeland than the Arab’s protecting their land even if the Great Britain protects their faith and rights as citizens in Palestine.
Moreover, In 1897 Theodore Herzl, the first Zionist Congress, gave the Jewish people the right to a national rebirth in their country. In document 1 it is stated, "...the right of the Jewish people to rebuild its National home." For that reason, the Jewish people must have Israel back, and the Palestinians must give it
) because him having being born in Palestine he had experienced war and knew that the Palestinian liberation organization has fought Israel and vice versa, he truly believed that both nations were ready to seek a path for peace. Before even considering an agreement with the PLO he had already a peace accord and separation of forces
Canada has built a well established reputation for fairness and human rights. In spite of Canada official position on the Israel/Palestine conflict and human rights and ethical obligations, Canada’s government has been responsive to the concerns and interests of Zionists rather than Arabs, the majority and long-standing Palestinian population. Trudeau’s government has brought a change in the right direction but is not making a real change to help the Palestinian people who are brutalized at will daily. Many further steps can and need to be taken to bring the Israeli apartheid regime to a close, and the conflict to an end. The Israel/Palestine conflict has been going on since 1948.
Prime Minister (PM) Ariel Sharon had ultimately made the decision to pull out of Gaza and the West Bank to “promote disengagement as Israel’s best way of extricating itself from the
Extract 2 We consider settlements illegitimate and an impediment to progress on peace negotiations. The United States will do all it can to fight boycotts and other DE legitimization efforts….. This is what American friends of Israel mean …...
Also adding to the idea of threats to democracy are the threats to the other corporations that do not control the flow of information but would still like to be part of the larger media corporation. One of the primary ways businesses are able to survive is if they thrive or excel within their own field, or they become part of a larger system which can give them a boost into their success. Ted Turner writes in “My Beef with Big Media” his personal opinion and journey with the success of his own media corporations. As the founder of CNN, he went through adversaries not only from within his own business administration but from the “media moguls” that did not want to deal with the type of small owner that Turner was perceived to be. Recounting
The first essay I picked is “Computer Vision Syndrome Affects Millions” by Jane E. Brody. In this essay, Brody introduces a disease called “computer vision syndrome” that people who spend three or more hours a day in front of computer monitors may suffer. He states “Studies have indicated 70 percent to 90 percent of people who use computers extensively, whether for work or play, have one or more symptoms of computer vision syndrome. The effects of prolonged computer use are not just vision-related. Complaints include neurological symptoms like chronic headaches and musculoskeletal problems like neck and back pain”. Similar to Carr’s perspective, Brody believes advanced technology brings negative effects on people, but his essay focuses more
Freedom of religion and freedom of expression are fundamental concepts that defined the inception of the United States. This is in stark contrast to how many citizens view religious freedom today, as the United States has moved towards a secularized nation. Too often, citizens champion for a separation of church and state, which does not appear in the Constitution, in order to validate the exclusion of God’s Word. These proponents for secularization have chosen to misinterpret the words of then President Jefferson rather than reflect on the historical precedence of Christian morals established by the Founding Fathers, who were God fearing people. “The constitutional Framers saw clearly that relgion would be a great aid in maintaining civil
His statement, with emphasis on peace and the evacuation of occupied territories, indicates the Vatican’s hopes of one day seeing a future homeland for the Palestinians. Thus, the overall vindication of the Vatican’s beliefs is that creating an accepted and acknowledged Palestinian state is critical in order for peace to even begin.
Bob Hawke once said; “Unless and until something concrete is done about addressing the Israeli-Palestinian issue you won't get a real start on the war against terrorism.” Perhaps Hawke put into a few simple words one of the most complicated issues within our world today, the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. As Israel continues to strip the Palestinians of their land and fears it’s very existence because of the Palestinians terrorist acts, there seems to be no solution in sight. The world appears to be split and all over the place when it comes to this matter. According to The Middle East Institute for Understanding approximately 129 countries recognize Palestine as a state while many others do not. Over all the political matters within this issue not only affect Palestine and Israel but the world as a whole, as the Middle East and the West seem to disagree. This has had and will continue to have an enormous impact on many political affairs all over the world particularly in the current fight against terrorism. Personally I feel that the Israeli Palestinian conflict while being a very complicated matter has a simple solution. Within this issue I am a firm believer that the occupation of the West Bank by Israeli forces is extremely unjust and must come to an end. Once this is achieved a two state solution will be the most effective way to bring peace to the area. The occupation of the West Bank violates political and legal rights, human rights, and illegally forces Palestinians
-Israelis—most political group in Israel also wants peace with Palestinians and come up with plans like the disengagement plan in 2005. But Zionism extremist suggests that they should takeover the occupied