
The Pros And Cons Of Transgender Laws

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Have you ever heard of the saying: if you got to go, you’ve got to go? For most people this phrase is true, but for transgender people, it isn’t that simple. Transgender people have been barred from using the bathroom of their choice, with bills and laws that are called bathroom bills. This is not only unfair, but it also accounts for physical and vocal harassment towards transgender people in the bathroom, in schools, and discrimination throughout the country.
Transgender means having a gender identity that does not correspond to the sex that is on the person’s birth certificate. A transgender woman means that she identifies as a female, but her assigned sex is male. Many people do not know that there is a difference between gender and sex. Gender is what someone inwardly feels that they are more like male or female. Some people are gender fluid, meaning that one day they might feel more like a male and one day they might feel more like a female, or they might feel like they don’t fit on the traditional gender spectrum and have a specific gender. Sex is what is what you are assigned at birth and is on your birth certificate. Most people identify with the same sex they were given at birth, which means that they are cisgender.
“Bathroom bills” are bills that restrict transgender access to the bathroom that corresponds to their gender identity. They are popping up all over the country and recently in Texas, the Senate State Affairs Committee accepted a bill that would allow

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