
The Pros And Cons Of Vegetarianism

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Being a vegan means one does not consume any animal products. This includes eggs, dairy, honey, as well as meat. Vegans also tend to not use all commodities that have even a trace of animal product in them. This is most common in beauty products such as face creams or hair masks, which normally use milk or honey. Being vegan contrasts with being a vegetarian considering a vegetarian simply does not consume meat. There are also various forms of vegetarians such as pescatarians who do not eat meat, but instead eat fish along with dairy, eggs, etc. Vegan and vegetarian habits have become well known as the years progress simultaneously, it has been proven through abundant studies that the reasoning for becoming vegan or vegetarian is flourishing as well. For example, vegan and vegetarian lifestyles can allow one to become healthier through learning to eat correctly and can, therefore, assist with weight loss. These habits can further help one live longer as they reduce the possibility of various diseases and cancers. This is demonstrated throughout the article “Beyond Meatless, the Health Effects of Vegan Diets: Findings from the Adventist Cohorts,” written by Lap Tai Le and Joan Sabaté. One main argument against being vegan or vegetarian is that while one follows this lifestyle one has no way of obtaining protein or that they are not acquiring certain vitamins such as B12 or calcium. Many conclude that while there are certainly alternative approaches for receiving these

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