
The Psalm In The Poem By Dr. Tremper Longman

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The beautiful poetry in the Psalms could simulate our imaginations, arouse our emotions, feed our intellects and address our wills, which appeals directly to the whole person. Nevertheless, poetry is difficult to interpret, especially for the poetry which is thousands of years old and written in the context of a foreign culture. Dr. Tremper Longman is an excellent old testament scholar with a longstanding reputation. He attained his M.Div. at Westminster Theological Seminary and his Ph.D. at Yale University. In this particular work, he seeks to help the readers better interpret these Hebrew poetries based on their historical context and literary genre. With this background, we will explore how the Psalms will address us today and better understand these mirrors of the soul. No matter you are a pastor, a student, or a lay person longing to understand the psalms, this book will be a helpful and accessible guide for you to read the psalms. Summary The book divided into three parts and begins with an awesome invitation to read the Psalm. Longman invites us to explore the Psalms and enter into the sanctuary where God meets men and women in a special way. Since the Psalms are a kind of literary sanctuary in the Scripture and found wide use in the church and in private devotions (12).
The first part of the book is “The Psalms Then and Now”. The first chapter discusses the genre and divided the psalms into seven types, which determines the reading strategy of a particular text

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