
The Psychology Of Harry Potter By Neil Mulholland Ph. D.

Decent Essays

The Psychology of Harry Potter by Neil Mulholland Ph.D, consists of a collection of essays written by numerous psychologists regarding their interpretation of the “wizarding world of Harry Potter.” These essays analyze aspects of the imaginary magical world of Harry Potter and compare them to reality. Major psychology concepts are brought to life in this book through the understanding of one of the world’s most famous collection of novels, the Harry Potter series, written by J.K. Rowling. The main theme of the book is to understand wizards and the social constructs of their world, and compare it to that of the “Muggle” (non magical person) world. Main themes presented in the novel include: creativity and scientific inquiry at Hogwarts, careers in the Muggle and wizarding worlds, mental illness and self-harm. Hogwarts school curriculum compared to Muggle curriculum, how magic influences children, grief and acceptance, racism and how the book series itself can be used as a therapeutic option for readers. Characters from the Harry Potter series focused on the most in this book are the main characters Harry, Hermione, and Ron. However, a substantial amount of this book focuses on several, if not most, of the other characters at some point, and how their life stories and challenges can reflect actual issues in the real world. …show more content…

Self-harm can be a coping mechanism for those suffering from intense and frequent negative emotions. It is common in teenagers suffering from mental illnesses, such as depression, to self-harm. Because the book follows the life of a teenager, it was relevant to include how examples at Hogwarts pertain to the actual psychological concept of mental illness. The essay was extremely informative and showed me examples directly from the book that I would never have considered examples of

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