
The Psychosocial Impact of Psoriasis, a Skin Condition

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Don’t judge a book by its cover is one of the greatest known metaphorical phrases in human history. People constantly identify with and attempt to apply the concept in everyday life; yet our society has constructed a paradigm in which the perfection of your skin predetermines your social interactions in life. Likewise it is important to comprehend that it is not only on the side of society’s judgements which determines your interactions, but it is also that of the lowered self-esteem of the individual. To garner apposite knowledge, the task at hand required the interviewing of a person with a skin condition with the aim to internalise and reflect upon the biopsychosocial as well as cultural impacts of the illness. I was lucky enough to have the privilege of interviewing Jane Doe, a 20 year old white female with a history of psoriasis since age five. I was introduced to Jane through a close friend and entering into a professional relationship, she agreed to help me in my endeavour. Drawing on the principles of interviewing I ensured that it was a quiet, confidential and comfortable space1; thus it took place in her home. Jane has had a difficult beginning in life as psoriasis – a common, chronic immune-mediated skin disease – currently has no cure and is characterised by scaly, reddened patches, papules, and plaques, which usually itch.2
A difficult medical history
The difficulty to comprehend living with a disease characterised by such vivid visual aspects is beyond

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