
The Real Challenge Of The Pacific

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Hong Nguyen Professor Stephen Long Political Science 250 25 September 2015 A respond to “The Real Challenge in the Pacific” In his recent work, Dr. Michael D. Swaine has offered harsh critiques of Dr. Andrew F. Krepinevich for supporting the limitation of China 's pursue of territorial dispute over neighboring regions. Swaine, however, underestimates China 's ambition for power; overlooks its rapid increase of economical and militarily strength; and generalizes that China is willing to stabilize and that this stabilization would not develop into further chaos. China’s great ambition of power has been demonstrated by its notorious territorial dispute with its neighboring countries over the Nine Dashed line or the U-shaped line and the …show more content…

In the past, China seized both the Paracels and the Spratlys by force and with its growing military strength, it is undoubtable that Beijing will finally takeover the Senkaku. China is also building artificial islands on reefs and atolls near the Philippines, having airstrips ready to deal with the hugest military planes. It’s lack of respect over neighboring countries’s territory and exclusive economic zone and violent actions like ramming Vietnamese fishing ships could be a test for its influence and power to prepare for further conflicts; and an assessment of other countries’ reaction and strength. Swaine stated that the U.S has also been building its military and therefore can deal with China if necessary; but he failed to account that World Military Balance 2015 (for 2014) illustrates that the United States spent 581.0 billions $ (3.3% GDP) and China spent 129.4 billion $ (1.2% GDP) while, the 2015 Fact Sheet (for 2014) shows a different fact. The United States spent 3.5% its GDP (610.0 billions dollars) while China spent 2.1% its GDP (216.0 billions dollars) on military build up. Besides, states that the U.S. spent 95 billions of dollars on military aid against terrorists. A constant support for the Middle East, along with its allies (Japan and the Philippines) undeniably cost the U.S. a large amount of money while China only have to “defense” itself against neighboring Asian countries that are generally

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