
The Rebound Effect For The Disabled Dancer

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The Rebound Effect For The Disabled Dancer

While Rebound is essential to an day to day life, a rebound can happen anytime, during a performance or just by being sick and getting up the next day perfectly fine. Dancers have a step called rebound and it helps them push energy out their bodies to move fluidly to another spot in the space. I have also discovered I had a rebound effect in life due to Crohn 's Disease and I had a major surgery and came back four months later dancing. As a human being you think of life as being very delicate but at the same time doing everything you can to live life to the fullest. So my idea came from a place of healing and recovery sense. This past year has been very challenging since being diagnosed with Crohn’s. And very difficult to find myself back in effect, of dancing everyday, but now I feel like I am really having a rebound effect. I decide then this paper could be a way to open up and find some sources to deal with my rebound and to know that I am not alone in this situation. First I wanted to know the definition of a rebound in all different ways medical and the dance definition. As dancers every moment is special because anything can happen and stop our dancing career. That 's why in life a rebound is bound to happen at least once in our lifetime, so let’s talk a little about the word rebound. When you think about the word Rebound your mind goes straight to the definition in a

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