
The Recipe To Success In The Modern World Analysis

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I believe that the recipe to success in the modern world is to arm oneself with the knowledge, skills, and tools that would maximize ones’ productivity and contribution to society. Some skills such as writing, comprehensive reading, and critical and creative thinking will be hard to emulate by any future machines. This resonates with Mcafee’s contention, who emphasizes that some skills currently taught to students in schools are futile and useless in the real world, and will gradually become obsolete and replaced my machines. One of the obvious examples according to the author is arithmetic. The nature of the skills that students should focus on are the ones that stimulate creativity and critical thinking, allowing students to execute complex mental tasks which machines are incapable of doing. For example, machines cannot generate novel ideas or suggest any creative ways for solving a certain problem. Metal machines are confined by the …show more content…

According to Michaels, human societies have been swallowed by different dominant culture over the course of history. With every new era emerges a new culture that becomes a theme and a defining feature of all aspects of society. This culture gradually turns into the air we breathe and the water we drink. We become so accustomed to it that it becomes semi impossible to be fully aware of it. This unwariness could take a huge toll on our lives where everything loses its meaning and crumbles under the spurious mask of the dominant culture. The idea of the dominant culture resonates with Wallace’s article “This is water”. Wallace’s encourages readers to exert control over the unconscious stream of thoughts that runs in the back of everyone’s mind. This control is essential to reclaiming one’s sanity and ability to live independently by making thoughtful decisions ruled by reason, not by

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