
The Redemption Cycle In Vietnam

Decent Essays

I chose the redemptions cycle method for John Kerry anti- war speech on Vietnam. The redemption cycle works perfectly for this speech. During the 1954-1975, it was an integral part in Americans history. There are three stages of the redemptions cycle, from Guilt, Purification, and Redemption is the result of Kenneth Burke’s dramatistic process. This period went through the entire course to setting up the Redemption cycle, step by step. There was blame going around America and the United States government with the handling of the Vietnam War effort and this blame came from the guilt felt by American veterans and citizens. The two sides were conflicted with each other with the support of the war. A majority of the American people did not support …show more content…

President Richard Nixon did not trust much people around him. President Richard Nixon paranoia leaded to his insurmountable downfall as one of America’s worst political scandal of the twenty-century. The Watergate scandals lead to the downfall of the Nixon Administration and this scandal eclipsed all guilt and scapegoating going around the United States. The Watergate scandal occurred, when the Nixon Administration staff members were caught breaking-in the Democratic National Committee headquarters at the Watergate office in Washington, D.C. This political scandal did not weight the troubles of the Vietnam War; it just added more fuel to the fire. The frustration and anger of the American people and the lack of leadership from the government was the tipping point for a majority of American citizens. There were no American citizens please with the situations occurring during this time. This political scandal leaded to the Presidential Resignation of Richard M. Nixon. This resignation in a sense was Americans form of Purification. During Mr. Nixon’s resignation, he denied guilt for his actions and the role he portrayed as an agent to the scene. Mr. Nixon believed his resignation was not depicted by guilt but by verifying his innocence, it would deprive the American people of a full time president that the people needed. Mr. Nixon was apologetic for the shame he brought to the presidency. Instead of Mr. Nixon publicly addressing the guilt head-on, his actions are proof to his deception. There was overwhelming evidence for tapes from key figures of the CIA to hinder the FIB investigation. In Mr. Nixon Congressional hearing, he should a form of regret for his actions. For example, “I regret deeply any injuries that may have been done in the course of the events that led to this decision. I would say only that if some of my judgments were wrong and some were wrong they were made in what I believed

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