
The Relationship Between Religious Institutions And Society

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In 2013, Pope Francis delivered an apostolic exhortation on family life, “Amoris Laetitia,” better known as “The Joy of Love.” Establishing a sense of resolution within the Catholic Church about homosexuality has also reopened the original debate on the propriety of a coexisting homosexual Christian. This has been a concern in not only the Catholic Church, but sub-religions within the entire Christian community. It is interesting to comprehend the relationship between religious organizations and society—mainly how one influences the other in doctrines, values, and beliefs, specifically in regards to homosexuality. Regarding the relationship between Christian religious institutions, society, and homosexuality, the articles should …show more content…

Hilliard discussed when, in London in the 1880s, a subculture of homosexuality began to take its own collective form and that this subculture felt “freed from the respectability and the puritanism of the churches.” This is due to the fact that Anglo-Catholicism had looser sets of religious practices, and because of this it actually increased the amount of ‘social rebels’ within the churches. These two pieces of ‘evidence,’ however, are not entirely concrete because it is anecdotal; however, they strongly imply that the Catholic churches are outwardly against homosexuality but have a scandalous reputation of being homosexually inclusive. They also strongly imply that the authoritarian nature behind a religious institution may also have an influence on society’s attendance of churches and what they feel comfortable practicing. While the other articles have given a brief background of homosexuality within the church, Altemeyer used actual studies that can help explain the actual prejudice within the Catholic Church against homosexuals. His goal was to find how one’s religious ethnocentrism affected how they viewed homosexuality. He used a religious ethnocentrism scale, which demonstrates the tendency for anyone to put their own group in a “position of centrality and worthwhile creating and reinforcing negative attitudes and behaviors toward outgroups.” Within this 16 question scale, 2145 psychology students and their parents answered

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