
The Renaissance Research Paper

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The Renaissance Research Paper “The rebirth.” “The early modern period.” The Renaissance is alluded to by many names, referring to the great artistic renewal period beginning in the 14th century and ending in the 17th century. Occurring after the Medieval Period, it is often considered to be the bridge to modern day history as we know it. It was period of change, revival, and great augmentation for society. With the Middle Ages coming to an end and with the intellectual decline that had followed, scholars and thinkers alike began to study the ideals of ancient philosophers of the classical world, most prominently the Greeks and Romans, a time of great innovation and high human achievement, the likes of Humanism that hadn’t been seen for centuries. …show more content…

Painting had many idolized from the ancient Greek and Roman civilizations with works of vibrant, bright colors projected onto various canvases demonstrating natural beauty, architecture, and depictions of great cultural icons, such as the many figures of Greek mythology. New artists, such as Leonardo Da Vinci, Michelangelo Buonarroti, and many others had viewed classical pieces and set out to honor their ancient counterparts and to create their own style. Ideologically, artists became more centralized on the topic of the church, which is seen in many works, regardless of the patronage received from the actual papacy. New and past canvases and tools were introduced and reintroduced such as oil paintings, a prime example of Renaissance painting, fresco, involving pigments being mixed with water and applied to plaster, murals becoming more popular, etc. Techniques were also engineered to design and create the likes of astounding art which had never been seen before, such as perspective painting to create more detailed and dimensioned works as in Raphael’s “School of Athens.” Sfumato was another renowned technique made famous by Da Vinci which involved moving away from set, geometric borders and instead involved the use of mixing tones to create hazy outlines, exhibited in probably …show more content…

Beginning in Florence, Italy, as with much of the other aspects of the Renaissance, the variety of structures and layout would be spread through much of Europe and is still seen even today. Architecture in the revival age mimicked Gothic architecture that was once very popular and was eventually succeeded by Baroque architecture later on in the period. Emphasis was placed on the properties of symmetry, proportion, geometry, and many others that had been largely observed in Greek and Roman buildings that demonstrated such equality, such as the Parthenon. Many buildings came to completely resemble such famous sites, complete with the innovations of earlier periods (especially that of the Romans) like domes, arches with voussoirs, or columns of Doric, Ionic, and Corinthian structure, Several periods formed to characterize architecture in this time such as the Quattrocento that focused on solid rules and regulations for buildings and design. Another period was that of Mannerism which, alternatively, gave way to more experimentation and the architect’s own discretion for a project. All saw large-scale figures of Classical architecture throughout Europe. Some of the most notable architects were Filippo Brunelleschi, a forefront leader in Italy known for his invention of linear perspective with such designs as the Dome of Santa Maria

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