
The Right To Choose Euthanasia In The United States

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The Right to Choose The United States Declaration of Independence states "Life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness" (1776) as being three natural rights that every human being is entitled of having. For decades euthanasia has been a controversial topic, both between the common people and expert …show more content…

Is it really possible for a person that requires constant pain medicine and continuous medical care really be living a life that she/he desires? "Human life has inherent dignity, which may be compromised when life is extended beyond the will or ability of a person to sustain that dignity; and believing that it is every person's inviolable right to determine in advance the course of action to be taken in the event that there is no reasonable expectation of recovery from extreme physical or mental disability"(The Right to Die With Dignity, 1988). We all have people in our life’s that we hold dear, and seeing them suffer day …show more content…

This also means that if euthanasia does become legal and accepted patients won’t need to seek the help of shady hospitals or clinics to perform their procedures. In addition, families of suffering patients will also have a peace of mind knowing that their loved one were not taking advantaged of because a guideline was followed to ensure that the patient was a candidate to be properly euthanized. In closing, euthanasia should be legal and it should not be procedure that’s looked downed upon. This is because there are thousands of terminally ill patients that are seeking an end for their endless suffering. Life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness is something that every human being in the world should be entitled too. But unfortunately, for people that have an incurable illness/sickness, and that need to take daily dosage of pain medicine life becomes more of a curse than a blessing. This is why I believe that it’s not only inhumane to prolong their lives and therefore, their suffering. But I also believe it goes against our constitutional right as citizen of The United States of America in our pursuit of happiness. Legalizing euthanasia will not only be a step forward to our development as a country, but it will also be setting an example and a guideline for other countries

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