
The Rise Of Mass Attendance

Decent Essays

Muhammad Ali once said “Religions all have different names, but they all contain the same truths… I think people of our religion should be tolerant and understand people believe different things.” This quote explains the tolerance and acceptance of another religion, which clearly demonstrates the concept of pluralism. Even though the Catholic Church provides a welcoming feeling to all new and existing members, the decline of mass attendance will further result in a decrease of catholic followers. Secularism and pluralism are major factors in the change of attendance, which will be further discussed. Margaret and Leo Laarhoven are members from Our Lady of Sorrows Catholic Church in Kyogle, NSW. Their commitment towards the Catholic Church …show more content…

It’s also the main source of your spiritual life, and if you took time to reflect on who you are, and how much you should give back to god, the attendance in mass would increase rapidly. A commandment from the Catholic church is to attend mass on Sundays and holy days, this is one of its six commandments, which at the moment is only being filled by 37% of Catholics, at the most (Shaw, 2014). It also helps Catholics live by the ten commandments.
Community is a key factor in forming parishes around Australia, as mass brings together the community. Leo and Margaret reinforced this statement “The local church is always the nicest to attend because you feel you are part of the community, whereas when one attends elsewhere on an irregular basis you are never “one of them”” Margaret also caters for the church and she expressed her reasons for why she does it. She stated “Jesus did say love thy neighbour and this is one way we can demonstrate that. Also my mum was involved with a Catholic Women’s Organisation which catered for church events such as weddings, funerals, parties etc. now we have three groups which consist 8-10 ladies and each group takes turns in catering It’s also a great opportunity to catch up with people, who I don’t regularly see.” The two prime reasons were that it brought together the community, and she was also following her

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