
The Risks Of Online Dating Websites Essay

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The Risks of Online Dating Websites
The online world is an atmosphere that people often imagine that it is a reality. Online social websites offer the ability for people all over the globe to connect and communicate with one another, in which transformed a different aspect of being in a relationship. Modern romance has becoming significantly different than what people experienced in the past. Before, people would often meeting one another at a hangout place or through mutual friends. Everything has changed since dating websites made its appearance. (Put amount of active users and what year). The increase in online relationships create people to be more distant from his or her surroundings. More online communication between one another actually decrease the amount of communication face to face. Although it is easy to communicate online, behind a computer or a phone screen, it limits people to a certain extend of actually knowing someone, lies are easily being told when communicating online. With the ability to socialize at home, or anywhere else, people withdraw themselves from their surroundings, avoiding face to face interactions. Scams are increasing in the online dating world, which comes with false stories that scammers try to persuade their victims with. Even though there are some cases where people do end up being with their online lover, in most cases, studies showed that there are a greater increase in short term relationships when established through the web.

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