
Negative Benefits Of The Internet

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“...between 2005 and 2012, 35% of the couples marrying in the US had met online” (González). The internet is used in many ways such as, communicating, posting status updates, and discovering new information. People most commonly argue the internet to be the source of loneliness and depression, whereas others say that it generates more relationships and friends. Electronic devices, such as mobile phones and laptops are utilized in everyday life, whether it be for work, school, personal matters, and in many other ways. It helps promote interactivity and involvement in a community, where you are not alone. It also permits transparent discussions, between friends, family, and others, that are beneficial in everyday life worldwide. Technology does not make us more alone as it gives people the opportunity to meet new people, supplements communications, and aids those who are already lonely.
Firstly, by using technology, it allows for individuals to interact over the web with other people. Encountering people using technology is an undeniably common way of discovering partners and receiving the chance to constantly message and exchange emails, permitting a better connection to build a relationship. The internet, through many dating websites, has helped many people discover others, who then would impact their lives greatly and soon be apart of it. A study found that, “More than one third of U.S. marriages begin with online dating, and those couples may be slightly happier than

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