
The Role Of Atrocity In The Film 'Th How'

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There is a huge difference between the cause of atrocity and atrocity itself. The cause of atrocity usually comes from different pursuits of harm or anger, in all shapes and forms. Atrocity can be found in different religions or countries. In other words atrocity has been shown from the British in 1840’s when the British government decided that cheaper goods was more valuable than feeding its comrades in Ireland. The Germans have displayed atrocity in the 1940’s when Adolf Hitler’s political party rose to power, also known as Nazis. The most specific example of Atrocity can be displayed when Hitler order the final solution to be carried out by his first hand and loyal friend Heinrich Himmler. There is no doubt that atrocity comes from certain individuals or entire government.
Pursuing a political position should be beyond our own agenda, it should be from a natural stance of understanding life and an entire nation. After all, a look at what certain individuals did when they were part of political party and before it; is just amazing the vast changes that can be seen. However, to have too much pride for the growth of one specific population is a horrible mentality. But that didn’t stop the Nazis in world war two as we can see it in the film …show more content…

Well it seems as war escalated, what was extraordinary for most soon became part of their ordinary life. No matter if bridges with arcs made by Miguel Angelo in Florence where destroyed what matter was to win the war. All of this causes lead by Hitler who always seemed to put himself before others. In the other hand we hear in the film about a certain individual who faced unforgettable circumstances as she said once “Hitler invaded in March 1938 and everything after that went downhill. My husband was in the concentration camp and everything was taken - but material values at the time didn't matter one bit. It was only after that it did matter.” (Maria

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