
The Role Of Body Gender Roles

Decent Essays

In today’s society, men and women both have views that are considered “normal” to the general public imposed on him or her to some degree. Although women’s prejudices are more commonly discussed, it is important to note that men also face the same preconceptions. In the essay, “Beauty (Re)Discovers the Male Body,” Susan Bordo talks about these typical presumptions of men as she explores body gender roles through the use of ads and real life examples in her essay. The text stated, “Women may dread being surveyed harshly - being seen as too old, too fat, too flat-chested - but men are not supposed to enjoy being surveyed period. It’s feminine to be on display.” In other words, the role of gender in the ways images of the body is designed and presented has been forced into the mindset of people from a young age. Bordo contradicts this point in her writing by repeatedly arguing that this form of gender stereotype should be removed as a whole and that men should be able to present their body without judgments as well.
Bordo wrote, “Women aren’t used to seeing naked men frankly portrayed as “objects” of a sexual gaze (and neither are heterosexual men, as that Times writer makes clear).” Bordo explained that men, according to others, should only be displaying their beauty if it was an unavoidable effect of their businesses. “Thus”, Bordo stated, “a lot of the glistening, naked male chests in the movies of the fifties and sixties were on the bodies of warriors, prisoners,

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