
The Role Of Discrimination In The United States

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Devin Hamner
Professor Oberhauser
Geog 412
2 September 2014
States Against Discrimination Over the years the United States' government has continuously expressed their role as superpower to spread its military reach and idea of democracy throughout the world. The government has chosen to put U.S. troops on foreign soil to protect the rights of citizens in Allied countries. The United States has promoted itself as the beacon of freedom and equality for all citizens, men and women. So when thinking about women's rights in the United States, it can be easy to believe that we are the supreme example. However, according to the first map and topic in The Atlas of Women in the World, “States Against Discrimination,” the United States can be grouped …show more content…

If ratified, feminist researchers would have a field day analyzing the actions of other signatories that have been breaking the laws established by CEDAW. Also, geographically speaking would the world lean on the United States to refresh its role as a global police force and take direct action against human trafficking organizations? The United States may seem to be a superpower, however it still has the largest amount of rape cases and annually has over 50,000 females trafficked into its borders (ATLAS 58). Foreign countries are likely inclined to be relaxed towards fighting against the discrimination of women when the superpower of the world didn't even join the committee like a true leader would …show more content…

From that point, it is easier to assess where the problematic places are in the world because a certain criteria has been created on how to spot them. I believe the map is effective in presenting the material provided. On the other hand a solid amount of research is needed to be done in order to properly understand the CEDAW and how it came about. I would add that the United States government sparked the idea for the treaty in the first place but never actually bought into their own idea enough to join the committee once it formed. This treaty allows the UN to hold governments accountable over their female citizens living status, so it’s kind of scary that no one is holding the United States accountable.

Baldez, Lisa. "U.S. Drops the Ball on Women's Rights." 2014 Cable News Network, 8 Mar. 2013. Web. 1 Sept. 2014. <>.

"Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women." UN News Center. UN, 2009. Web. 01 Sept. 2014. <>.

Mcdowell, Linda. "Women/Gender/Feminisms: Doing Feminist Geography." Journal of Geography in Higher Education 21.3 (1997):

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