
The Role Of ERNA And Exrna

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We have begun to investigate the role of EVs and exRNA in pathogenic fungi, such as Cn. Our identification of exRNA, including sRNA, mRNA, and lncRNA, may reveal unique RNA signatures related to the growth and virulence mechanisms of Cn. Towards this goal, we have performed RNA-Seq of exRNA extracted from several Cn var. neoformans (serotype D) strains and have obtained high-quality data.

1a. Identification of novel miRNA. In our preliminary exRNA analysis, we isolated EVs from the wild type (WT) strain JEC21 and extracted exRNA. exRNA was submitted to the Beijing Genome Institute (BGI, Shenzhen, China) for cDNA synthesis and RNA-Seq. Approximately 100 ng cDNA was subjected to Illumina deep sequencing using BGISEQ-500 technology. A total …show more content…

neoformans genome and some to var. grubii and C. gattii (Cg) (Fig. 2). With this large volume of high quality data in our possession, we propose the following specific aims. A B Figure 1. VENN diagram showing lncRNA (A) and mRNA (B) distributions.

Figure 2. Pie chart of annotated extracellular mRNA from Cn var. neoformans (JEC21).

Aim 1 is to select and validate the expression of candidate ex-RNAs produced by Cn in vitro.
1a. To select sRNA, mRNA, and lncRNA unique to Cn but not present in mammalian hosts.
Twelve novel miRNAs and 572 novel lncRNA are exRNAs not found in the existing database and will be subject to expression validation directly. All 12 novel miRNAs will be included. For novel lncRNAs, annotation will be continuing to identify those containing miRNA precursors whose targets are functioning in pathways unique to fungi and Cn or/and essential for Cn function. Approximately ten lncRNAs will be selected for expression validation.

We will perform expression validation of exRNA signatures produced by JEC21, a serotype D strain and analyze whether these exRNA signatures are also present in other serotype D strains of Cn, as well as serotype B and C C. gattii strains using RT-qPCR. We will isolate exRNAs from serotype A Cn strain H99 and Cg strains such as R265 (VGIIa) and R272 (VGIIb). The results will be analyzed to look for common expression profiles of RNA that could serve as molecular signatures

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