
The Role Of Ionizing Radiation Exposure In Children

Decent Essays

Ionizing radiation exposure is a well known risk factor that is not only unique to ALL but to many other cancers. Fetus exposure to radiation in the early stages of development may increase risk of ALL in the exposed child however the magnitude of the risk is unknown. Ionizing radiation can affect a child at all stages of development from preconception, pregnancy and postnataly. Radiation can come in many forms for example radiation on a fetus can occur via x-ray or CT scan, therefore most physicinas avoid having pregnant women take these diagnostic test under most circumstances (American Cancer Society). There have been studies that suggest paternal ionizing radiaton exposure may also play a role in the risk of ALL in offspring. One such study was conducted in the United Kingdom and examined children living in Sellafield located near a powerplant and fathers working at the …show more content…

The study found fathers who had high ionizing radiation dose recordings prior to conception, their children had an increased RR of 6.42 95% CI (1.57 to 26.3) when compared to the control population additionally the study also found children living near the plant had a increased RR of 2.44 95% CI (1.04 to 5.71) while control children had a protective affect with a RR of 0.17 95% CI ( 0.05 to 0.53) (Gardner 1990 endnote

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