
The Role Of Local Authorities In Scotland

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Local authorities in Scotland have many responsibilities in the drawing up plans to control the land use. These are known as Development Plans. The development plans consist of two plans which include structure and local plans. Planning authorities are required to prepare planning policy statement for their area. The top tier is a strategic land use plan, referred to as the structure plan. Structure plans are not map based but contain an indicative “key diagram”. The structure plan provides guidance a strategic level, and the local plan which translates this strategy into detailed policies and site specific proposals. This means that there now exists a very strong presumption in favour of development. The district of any planning authority is to be included in a structure plan area, but such area may extend to only part of the district of an authority or may extend to the district of more than one authority. …show more content…

The most important reform in planning in recent years has been the establishment of the primacy of the Development Plan. The Town and Country Planning (Scotland) Act 1997 requires that all areas within Scotland are covered by a comprehensive and up to date development plan, the purpose of which is to guide future patterns of development. The 1997 act, lays out the legislation for these plans. This act governs day to day operation of the Scottish planning

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