
The Role Of Racial Discrimination And Xenophobia In The United States

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For the great majority of people, it is generally agreed today that there is much racial discrimination and xenophobia in the United States. Also, it is scarcely possible to ignore the problem of racism and xenophobia based on many types of discrimination such as age, disability, equal/pay compensation, genetic information, harassment, national origin, pregnancy, race/color, religion, retaliation, sex, and sexual harassment. One of the most eye-catching discrimination is racial discrimination. The United States, this country was built by immigrants which means this country was developed by a patchwork of different cultures and people, however, racist discrimination and xenophobia are a reality in this country. Even the most people consider themselves as …show more content…

It is common knowledge that racism means a belief that race is the primary determinant of human traits and capacities and that racial differences produce an inherent superiority of a particular race (“Racism”, n.d.) There are some people who still believe the racist are only white people get called. In approaching the issue of racism, people would do not well to begin with the question of race. Anyone can become a racist in many different ways, even they noticed they are. As people probably know, the shock word ‘xenophobia’ is in the air of this society. Xenophobia means intense or irrational dislike or fear of people from other countries (“Definition of xenophobia”, n.d.) Usually people who are xenophobia and racism, they were being xenophobic, nationalistic and they were inconsiderate of others beliefs. Those people who are the xenophobic and racist groups usually ended up barking up the wrong tree for every reasons, for example, since we have a bad economy in these days, they believe everything bad in this country is ascribable to foreigners, as these aliens are exploiting their wealth and resources while taking away their

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