
The Role of a Teacher in a Montessori Classroom

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Montessori’s developed method of educating the natural characteristics which influenced a child to learn. Her method is simply protecting these characteristics and allowing them to develop naturally. She believed that every child held the ability to learn but only needed to be shown or guided on how to correctly do so. The teachers role in the class room is to cater for these needs.
Montessori believed that only a certain type of person suited the role of a Montessori teacher “The teacher must derive not only the capacity, but the desire, to observe natural phenomena. In our system, she must become a passive, much more than an active, influence, and her passivity shall be composed of anxious scientific curiosity and of absolute respect …show more content…

The sensitive periods are stages a young child goes though during their development. The First Six years of a child’s life are the most important as they are so sensitive at this time. These periods such as order, language and movement must be catered for by the environment as well as the teacher.
With order everything in a Montessori classroom must have a specific place e.g. on the shelf or on a table. A young child desires consistency. Disruptions to this consistency can cause distress or upset to a child. This can result in tantrums and unnecessary in having order and rules it will help to protect the child from distress though the sensitive period of order. The teacher has the responsibility to keep the classroom perfect. All material should be in its place, kept clean and to repaired or replace works which have been damaged or broken. “Material should always be beautiful, shinning and in good repair, with nothing missing, so that it looks new to the child, and is complete ready for use”(Montessori, 1946, p 87). In doing this you are allowing the child to go about their work without interruption or confusion due to unsuitable materials.
It is also important for the aesthesis in the classroom to be suitable. Nothing should be over stimulating. The physical environment that a child is placed in must enable the

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