
The Root Of Happiness Is A Emotional State Of Well Being Defined By Positive Emotions

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Many wonder what happiness is. Also, they question what they must do to attain it. There are many different books discussing ways how individuals can find happiness. Gladness is a mental or emotional state of well-being defined by positive emotions. The root of happiness can result in many different things. One, the root of happiness can result in better health, better thinking ability, and the delight in doing what is right. Another, is the result of contentment with the way of life can root from trying their utmost to succeed, showing love towards others, and self-meditation. Similar to the ones mentioned previously, justification of being a cheerful person leads to the repercussions of inspiring others to make a difference in society. The loving opportunity that we all can experience, happiness, can create enjoyment, which can result in increased productivity. The root of happiness can result in better living conditions. One, repercussion of happiness is the delight in doing what is right. When individuals delight in doing what is right, they succeed in life. When individuals do this they get a sense of assurance that they did something right. Another outcome, is better health and well-being. Happiness can result in the improvement of the physical, mental, and social aspect of life. Dealing with the physical aspect happiness can lead to more working out and eating healthier. The more individuals work out they are, most likely to have a lesser chance of getting sick.

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