
The Route of the Civil War Essay example

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When the Founding Fathers created this nation, they believed that the citizens of it would be held together through the common desire for equality and freedom. Contrary to their predictions, the definitions of equal and free came in to question through the persistent plunder of abolitionist and separated the crumbling democracy in to two sectors: North and South. The Civil War emerged out of this debate and started America on the long path towards change. The War, although deeply rooted in our Nation’s beginnings, technically began with the attack on Fort Sumter. The union coveted this spot on confederate soil in order to present their power over the south.To the confederates, the fort was a symbol of the ever-present north, who was set …show more content…

Throughout the dynamic war, change also appeared through the images of African Americans. Although the Fugitive Slave laws were still in place, slaves who ran away and crossed Northern lines were considered free by the Union. Many slaves, viewing Lincoln and his country as their gateway to freedom, joined the union army. Most were employed to do labor such as laundry, carpentry and scouting, but many fought in battle. Beyond the typical dangers of war however, loomed the ever-present scent of discrimination. Early on, Each black solder received a seven dollar salary while white men received thirteen dollars a month. This was discontinued in 1864 when equal pay was granted to black solders. Although black regiments weren't used as often as white troupes due to racial discrimination, there were 80 black officers over the course of the war and several troupes, such as the Massachusetts 54th regiment, who distinguished themselves in battle. By the discontinuance of the war in 1863, 16 medals of honor had been awarded to African American Soldiers. With immense amounts of "contraband" slaves in our army, abolitionist pressed Lincoln to emancipate slaves first he passed the first and second Confiscation Act in 1861 and 1862. They freed all slaves used by the army and slaves whose masters were in the army. Soon to follow in the summer of 1862, came the Emancipation Proclamation. This famous document freed

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