
The Sacramento Municipal Utility District

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1. The Sacramento Municipal Utility District (SMUD) has been serving the greater Sacramento area for more than 60 years. They are the nation’s sixth-largest electric service provider, providing low-cost, reliable electricity to its customers. They receive more than 20 percent of its energy from renewable resources and are well known for their innovative energy efficiency programs, renewable power technologies, and for its sustainable solutions for a healthier environment.

2. This board has seven members that represent each ward of the Sacramento Area. These seven members are: Renée Taylor (Ward 1), Nancy Bui-Thompson (Ward 2), Howard Posner (Ward 3), Genevieve Shiroma (Ward 4, Board President), Rob Kerth (Ward 5), Larry Carr (Ward 6, …show more content…

4. Due to the fact SMUD is owned by its customers, costumers vote and elect each of the seven board members to fulfill four-year terms. Each board member represents a different geographic area, or “ward”. The board member representing Sacramento State University (CSUS), which is located within the boundaries of Ward 3, is Howard Poster, who also serves on the boards of the California Transportation Financing Authority and Sacramento City Compensation Commission.

5. The meeting was conducted following the items contained in the agenda titled “Board Energy Resources and Customers Services Committed Meeting.” In this context, there were three speakers: Ryan Sharp, Senior Vice president at the Economic and Planning Systems, Inc. Panorea Avdis, Chief Deputy Director, Governor’s Office of Business and Economic Development, and Jim Alves, SMUD Economic Development and Partnerships Program Manager. After the guest speakers concluded their presentations, they answered questions addressed by the members of the Board Committee. A different dynamic was developed during Jim Alves’ presentation, who answered questions of the general public during his presentation. Those questions help to clarify the main objective of the night.

6. Members of the public wishing to address the Board should complete a

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