
The Samsquanch Short Story

Decent Essays

In 1969 there was a monster that terrorized the Environmental Center in Windom, MN. His name was the Samsquanch. The Samsquanch was 8 feet tall, he had long rotten fingernails, he was very muscular, and had a Gorilla like figure. The Samsquanch lived inside of any tree that was big enough for him to stand in it after he carved it out. He was hungry all the time and ate non stop and would kill for his next meal if he had the opportunity. People often venture into the Environmental Center at night and are never seen again. Many people believe that there is a monster lurking, waiting for his next meal. It was a rainy night and Bubbles and Ben decided to take a shortcut through the Environment Center. When they entered, they felt a cold wind …show more content…

“We’ll be fine,” answers Ben. “I really don’t think we should go in there,” stated Bubbles with a trembling voice. “C’mon man, don’t be such a wuss all the time we do stuff!” yells Ben. “I’m only 5 foot 7 and 245 lbs and you’re 6 foot 3 and 145 lbs. You can easily outrun me if something goes wrong,” explains Bubbles. “Fine! I’ll go in there by myself then,” screams Ben. The next morning Bubbles got a knock on his front door. He answered it and it was the Cottonwood County Sheriff. “Hello deputy,” says Bubbles “Hello sir. I’m Deputy Jones. Did you know Ben Jefferson?” asked Deputy Jones. “Yes, he was my best friend, why?” stated Bubbles. “I’m sorry to say but your friend was murdered last night,” announces Deputy Jones. “I’m gonna need you to come with me to the station to answers some questions. The more you cooperate, the faster we find your friends …show more content…

When Bubbles was walking around the scene something caught his eye, it was a evidence bag with some sort of hair or fur. He opened the bag and a rotting flesh smell smacked him right in the face causing him to throw the bag on the ground. Then he heard something crashing through the brush around him. “Hello?” asked Bubbles “WHOOOOP!” answered whatever was in the brush Bubbles began to run down the path when he heard the creature in hot pursuit behind him. “Stay away!” screamed Bubbles. “WHOOP WHOOP!” answered the creature. When Bubbles was running down the trail he tripped on a branch on the middle of the trail. He tumbled to the ground and tasted nothing but dirt. He felt something grab him by the throat and throw him into the bushes next to the trail. When he opened his eyes, he could taste the blood pooling up in the back of his throat. He tried to scream but nothing came out. When he seen the figure he knew instantly that it was the

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