
The Scream Will Forever Haunt Me

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The scream will forever haunt me. I hear “EMILYYYYY” on replay all day in my head. I can still make out the despair and sorrow in her voice. I later found out that Emily Roland, a twenty year old student at the University of Minnesota, had fallen to her death at a place I had been just ten minutes before the fall. It makes me think about if times had changed, and I would have been the one to fall. This haunts me. It all started with the desire to feel the adrenaline rush of urban explorations. Going into the unknown was not only thrilling, but it made you feel “cool”. All of the teens and young adults were doing it to seek adventure. On June 6, 2015 the abandoned structure I explored was the Bunge Midway Elevator in Minneapolis. …show more content…

There were holes about two feet in diameter across the whole surface of each floor. The stairs were rusted and bent. The building was clearly not meant for people to be exploring in. About halfway up, another group of three entered the building. That group included Emily Roland. They were a bit obnoxious when they came in, so I assumed that they might be drinking. The group that was leading my friend and I just ignored them, and kept going up. We stopped at a balcony type area that was connected to the building, but outside. It was a gorgeous view of downtown Minneapolis. Suddenly, Emily and her two friends caught up with our group at the balcony. They started climbing on things that were not meant to be climbed, so we left and continued our journey upwards. We finally made it to the roof. It was about ten floors up. In order to get to the roof you had to climb two different ladders. The first ladder led to an elevated platform, that had the second ladder leading to the roof. When I was on the roof, I had the best view of the city I have ever had in my life. Since the building was so high you could see the entire part of downtown Minneapolis. Eventually, Emily’s group and her made it to the roof. Everything was perfectly fine, until Emily and her two friends decided to start smoking pot on the roof. Their recklessness made us feel unsafe. We left shortly after. On my way down the ladders I noticed

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