
The Search For Freedom in Jon Krakauer's Into the Wild

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An obsession can begin with the smallest of events. Ideas, real or fancied, of what one’s life could be like without the ties that bind them, positive or negative, consume the mind and create visions of freedom from the demands of family, government, or even society as a whole. McCandless’s discovery of his parent’s indiscretions was the onset of his obsession; an obsession which grew exponentially over a short period of time that fettered him to the notion that to be truly happy and free, he must rid himself of everyone he had ever known and everything he had ever owned. McCandless became enslaved to his conception of real freedom. His notion of freedom was extreme, to say the least. It involved an elaborate plan to …show more content…

Address: “None of your damn business.” Social Security number: “I forget” (101). Here, again, McCandless makes a concerted effort to disencumber himself from the far-reaching arm of the government with no regard for the potential consequences that could be inflicted on Westerberg as a business owner responsible for maintaining accurate employee documentation. McCandless may have believed he had finally achieved real freedom and was well on his way to happiness, but he would soon realize what real freedom and happiness are.
A few short months into his pursuit of freedom and happiness, in the interior of Alaska, McCandless experienced a revelation that unfortunately dawned on him only after he was unable to escape the wild. His realization was “HAPPINESS IS ONLY REAL WHEN SHARED” (188). From the beginning of time, humans have had an inherent need to interact with others, to love, to laugh, to depend on one another for emotional and physical support. Without these reciprocal actions, humans tend to become introverted and angry at the world, as was proven by McCandless. Grievously, McCandless’s desire to forgive his parents and return to civilization manifested itself too late; he was unable to escape the interior. He wrote; “BUT IN WEAKEST CONDITION OF LIFE. DEATH LOOMS AS SERIOUS THREAT. TOO WEAK

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