
The Sensual Nature Of Sound Summary

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“The Sensual Nature of Sound” is a documentary about the four amazing women composers; Laurie Anderson, Tania Leon, Meredith Monk and Pauline Oliveros whom each were very different composers and brought out their own unique and distinct personalities into their works. The documentary started by introducing Meredith Monk talking a little bit about her background and from whom or where she drew her inspiration from.She applied her childhood experiences of Dalcroze eurhythmics ( use of combination of physical movements and music) and combined it with singing. Her experimentations with new ideas and approach to music theater lead her to form a genre of opera and “Atlas.” It was really interesting to see how she took at least 6 months for the audition for “Atlas” and she herself was also participating and teaching everybody their parts of the opera. I have learned from Monk to never take an advantage of any instrument especially the voice. Her deep thoughts of and how she uses the voice as the source that can uncover feelings that doesn’t necessarily needs to have words. …show more content…

She is proud of who she is and would weave elements of her culture, knowledge of composition techniques, and aural experiences in her music. She would focus highly on the degree of syncopations and incorporate Afro-Cuban and Latin jazz elements in her Western music format compositions such as concertos, chamber works,etc. I have learned from Leon the importance of being myself and presenting it out to the world. Whether it is my culture, knowledge, personal or family experiences, etc. Don’t shy away, be bold and express

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