
The Sermon On The Mount

Decent Essays

Today we want to start a serioes of lessons on the “SERMON ON THE MOUNT”
THE SERMON ON THE MOUNT: The background is found in Matthew’s gospel.

The book of Mathew opens after breaking 400 years of silence between Malachi and the birth of Jesus. During this 400 years of silence we have no canonical record of prophets or leader to lead the people. I would think that there were some people still looking for the Messiah.
Matthew begins with the genealogy of Jesus Christ the Son of David, the Son of Abraham." He makes it clear that Jesus is the,"the Son of David".
When we come to the 5th chapter of Matthew, Matthew Begins with Jesus and his disciples climbing a small hill somewhere around Capernaum. But the exact location is not positive. Today this ancient site of Capernaum, which tradition reports to have been the place near where this sermon was delivered, and is called today, the Mount of Beatitudes.

We find Jesus meeting with his disciples and a large group that followed. His followers was not just from Galilee, but Decapolis, Judea, Jerusalem, and from Syria.
His meeting is different than from those of the Scribes and Pharisees who preferred meeting in public places to be seen of men.
As the sermon begins, we see Him teaching the great multitudes that were following. Luke also records that He was preaching to "great multitudes" and "innumerable multitudes".

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