
The Seven Stages Of The Generalist Model Of Social Work

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The Generalist Model is having a broad range of knowledge on professional values and ethics and a broad range of skills, basically eclectic-based. By being eclectic, the social worker is able to help the client in any situation from at least a basic level. It allows them to work in different environments, whether it is considered to be micro, mezzo, or macro. There are seven stages of the generalist model; engagement, assessment, planning, implementation, evaluation, termination, and follow up. Each stage will be discussed below and how it helps change the client for the better. It is important that the social worker and client go through each stage and successfully complete the stage before moving onto the next. The first stage of the Generalist model is Engagement. During this stage, the social worker will prepare the environment for the interview. This is also where the client and the social worker will have their first face to face interaction. The social worker will explain that everything the client states will be confidential. During this time, the social worker must also explain if there is anything that is putting anyone at harm, he or she will have to report it to authorities. In this stage, it is important that the social worker starts with being friendly, which allows the client to feel comfortable and maintain a level of trust. The social worker must have a willingness to listen and is able to ask open-ended questions to have a complete understanding of the

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