
The Short Stories By Jhumpa Lahiri

Good Essays

“I don 't believe complete assimilation is possible, at least not for anyone who has an active, open mind. Every step, every entry into the flows of existence can be seen as a beginning, a commencement of a brand new way of seeing oneself in the world” said by Chang-Rae Lee, a Korean American novelist and a professor of creative writing at Princeton University. Lee brings up a good point on how complete acceptance will never be achieved, however, it is needed to start the acceptance process of one’s self which will eventually lead to a happy fulfilling life. In the short stories by Jhumpa Lahiri, she utilizes the characters such as; Mrs. Sen, Mrs. Croft, and Twinkle to convey the challenging integration process between the American and Indian cultures as one must be able to fully appreciate and respect one another beliefs in order to establish their individual personal identities. People often limit their ability to understand other cultures because of pre-derived conceptions of cultural identity, which often pertains to certain stereotypes, moreover, restricting assimilation between ethnic groups, thus limiting one’s own personal identity. One of the main problems people have is judging a particular group on a broad term. Meaning people have already made up their minds about, therefore, it is hard to one to let go of those stereotypes in order to make their own and learn to appreciate and accept then by what they are showing the point is. For example, I was born in China

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