
The Shortage Of Healthcare Professionals

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There are many aspects of a society that most individuals value and believe will always be around like government officials, police workers, firefighters and even physicians; what if there would be a shortage of one of these occupations? Most people would not believe this could happen, but unfortunately, this is reality for health professionals. In 2000 many experts thought the shortage was more of a myth, that there would be a surplus of specialists. At the time when the study was conduct the parameters that were used started from the 1920’s which were the different tasks a physician did throughout the day along with the time it took to complete these tasked that could be seen as “good” patient care. Later on experts decided to …show more content…

The red represents the demand which is increasing over the years compared to the supply in blue remaining somewhat the same throughout the year time span. Figure 1: Supply and Demand of Physicians. Reprinted from GME funding: How to fix the doctor shortage, 2014 Retrieved October 12, 2014, from Copyright 2015 AAMC. Reprinted with permission. There are many causes for this shortage which include the number of individuals needing health care, life-style changes of upcoming healthcare professionals, cost comparison among various medical fields and dissatisfaction with current work environment. This foreseen shortage of healthcare providers, rest heavily on healthcare management of various healthcare organizations and the United States government. Literature Review Evaluating the Causes Governmental Issues and Aging Population. The first elicit reason of health care professional insufficiency, is due to the increase number of people in the United States that is in need of health care. This fluctuation is caused by two separate components which are the aging population and The Affordable Care Act. The number of aging population has introduced a greater demand for more health care professionals due to their various medical needs (Benard-Khun, 2014). It has been estimated that by 2030 that 72 million people will be 65 or older. With the older population there are more

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