
The Significance Of Grit Summary

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Synthesis of David Boies “Desirable Difficulties” and Angela Lee Duckworth’s “The Significance of Grit."

These days nobody wants to struggle in life, in fact, most people may be inclined to give up when things don’t go their way. I now understand that “desirable difficulties” are related to the concept of grit in the article "Significance of Grit," because life is difficult and people who are persistent have grit. The two concepts go hand and hand. The first author David Boies points out that making some things more difficult is desirable. This concept is somewhat like when Angela Lee Duckworth argues in her article “The Significance of Grit," that grit should be part of resilience, matters happen that cause life to be more difficult, and you must persevere through the tough times to prevail and acquire better skills at whatever you’re doing.
Although seemingly ridiculous, in the book “David and Goliath” chapter 4, David Boies explores the idea of "desirable difficulties" by posing the question: "Would you wish Dyslexia on your child?" Crazy right? Surprisingly the answer should be “No” however this concept of "desirable difficulties" created by Robert and Elizabeth Bjork, two psychologists at the University of California, Los Angeles, suggest otherwise. Personally, I would never wish Dyslexia on mine or anyone else’s children, although I completely understand the concept of “being knocked down and then got back up to dust yourself off” and “No pain, no gain.” Because it truly is a hard knock life.
For example, Angela Lee Duckworth from the University of Pennsylvania, who had been conducting innovative studies (for the past 11 years) on "Grit," the quality that allows people to work uncompromisingly and stick to their passions and long-term goals. We learn that in her interview with "Educational Leadership," [ Duckworth describes what her research has shown about the relationship between "Grit" and achievement. on the importance of helping students develop grit and other non-cognitive traits.(1)] I believe that when we incorporate teaching students how to develop traits like having “grit” in our public schools, eventually our citizens as a whole will become more prosperous in all areas of life.
In her story,

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