
The Significance of Communication

Decent Essays

The significance of communication is proven since the beginning of life on this universe. It is not only a mere concept but a complete system in itself which today we find being supported by various gadgets too. It is such a broader word that despite several debates, still there is no agreed upon statement that comprehensively defines what Communication actually is. Even having a close look at the two definitions "Communication is the transmission information" or "Communication is the verbal interchange of a thought or idea"(Littlejohn & Foss, 2008, p.3) reveals that it revolves around exchange of opinion from one person to another. With the passage of time, various dimensions of communication have been explored and a number of communication theories have evolved.

Through this essay I am concerned to access my communication skills in both settings i.e. face-to-face and online. The best way to rate my conversation talent is to identify my key communication strengths and weaknesses in the light of those suggested by Dobkin and Pace (2006), to check their application and to improve the shortcomings accordingly.

I have found face-to-face communication more convenient and comprehensive both in personal and academic situations. Especially, when it comes to some academic assignment, I find it more feasible to exchange my queries and concerns with my instructor and peers in a face-to-face setting. It enables me to understand and comprehend the view point of other side in a much

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