
The Signmarker 's Assistant By Ted Arnold Essay

Better Essays

1. Did the material you chose help to teach the specific skill or strategy effectively? Why or why not? Did you meet the goal of your objectives? Why or why not?
I thought the assigned text “The Signmarker’s Assistant” by Ted Arnold was a fairly decent choice of literature to use to teach text and graphic features. This story in particular did a nice job focusing in on identifying graphic features through the use of several signs. In the future, I would choose a different piece of literature because the story did not demonstrate very many examples of textual features. In particular the only text feature displayed was the students’ vocabulary words which were highlighted. For a future lesson, I would like to have a piece of literature that displays multiple examples of both text and graphic features.
I believe the students had a better grasp on text and graphic features when we were going over the skill as a group because they were able to correctly answer the questions I asked them. When it came time to use this skill to answer the questions on their practice sheets they seemed to struggle with what the questions were asking them to do. Overall, I believe the students had a better handle on the concept when the questions were more specific. An example of a more specific question would be how does a text feature help tell you what the story was about. I think the question asking students how “do text and picture clues help you understand what Matt does?’ was too

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