
The Similarities Between Donald Trump And Bernie Sanders

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At the point when most people consider Donald Trump, and Bernie Sanders, there are few, if any similarities, that by and large at first ring a bell. Mr. Trump is a perceived figure all through the world, where far less individuals were even mindful of Mr. Sanders, until as of late. In any case, in this early phase of our political season, both men have assembled and delighted in significantly more support, than the greater part of us most likely accepted would be the situation, only a brief timeframe back. Identity savvy, the two people are miles separated; Mr. Trump being significantly more reckless, tense, fierce and flashy, while Mr. Sanders shows up significantly more saved, substance and issues-arranged, and so on. One man appears to energetically put down and assault his rivals, while alternate maintains a strategic distance from individual assaults, and tries to keep the emphasis on issues, and what he would do another way. All in all, what are the similarities, and what does it suggest about the condition of our union? Both appear as outsiders, and independent …show more content…

Sanders is playing up his underdog station, and showing that his support is from individuals, in smaller contributions, rather than the heavy hitters, or what anti-establishment or status quo supporters, often refer to as the 1%. Both are running as alternatives to a system that is not functioning as well as it should. Both have not been lifelong members of a political party; Mr. Trump, a newcomer to politics and having switched parties, while Mr. Sanders still refers to himself as a Vermont

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