
The Similarities Of Helen Keller And Albert Einstein

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Many people have one mutual question, what is a hero? A hero is a person that exhibits courage in a difficult situation. First of all, as it was known that heroes are here to save people’s lives as it has been seen through cartoons and movies. A hero is a protector and a defender; he protects his people by defending them from the enemies. A father can be a hero as he protects his children, dedicates his life to satisfy them and guards them from everything that may put them in harms way. Self-sacrificing, that is how a hero is defined; A hero puts on all their effort to save the people around them in the world. Famous and unknown a hero can be, because for their aim is to help not to seek attention, heroes guide and help people in need just …show more content…

The first similarity is that they both had challenges in their life, Helen was blind and deaf, and Albert Einstein had autistic behavior resulting in him struggling in school. Secondly, both heroes had a great impact on society. Albert Einstein, an intelligent man of his time, dedicated his life to learning and creating equations to make peoples judgment more rational when it came to physics and won a Nobel Prize doing so. Helen Keller was a human-rights activist for the blind and deaf and fought for child labor and capital punishment; She was dedicated to make people with disabilities lives easier by providing job opportunities, funding money and assist people in many different regions. Helen Keller received a Noble-Peace Prize for her heroic activism. Lastly, they both died very peaceful deaths at an old age; Knowing that they have accomplished what they desired in their lifetime is how every person wants to leave this earth. Albert Einstein died at age 76, "I want to go when I want," he stated at the time. "It is tasteless to prolong life artificially. I have done my share; it is time to go. I will do it elegantly" was his last words, before they found him the next morning on April, 18th 1955.2 Helen Keller died in her sleep at the age of 87, in 1968. She was buried next to her long time friend, Anne

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