Question #1: The opening scene is a direct representation for what the Simpsons’ family signifies throughout this episode: a middle class socio-economic family. The beginning of the show depicts a middle class, rural community that has built around a nuclear power plant in Springfield, Illinois. The start of the show illustrates the basic character traits of the Simpsons’ family that is needed for a viewer to understand the comedy portrayed within the show. Bart, a middle school aged boy, is represented as a troubled, attitude filled student who dislikes school. This is seen when he is directed to write, “I will not scream for ice cream,” for detention, leading into Bart being a rebellious skateboarder on his way home. Homer is showed as a comical, working and …show more content…
Additionally, Marge is a rebellious and reckless driver by honking, almost hitting her own son and husband on her way home. Maggie, a funny and an innocent baby, yet is an indirect trouble maker by mimicking others. Lisa, is a polar opposite of her brother by being involved with the school band showing that she well interested in academics. The whole family rushes home to sit on their family couch to watch a television show, as a typical middle class family would do.
Question #2-4: This episode, “Lisa Gets an A” is comical throughout the majority of the show. The beginning of the episode displays the family going to Sunday brunch, which is situationally ironic when they go to a grocery store for free food. During this scene, Bart grabs a plate full of fudge, but is immediately judged by the employee for coming every Sunday to take free food. This is a directly humorous scene when Bart says, “If you are going to get snippy, I will take my business elsewhere,” while grabbing more free fudge and walks away. Also, during this scene at the grocery store, the camera quickly shows a sign in the background saying, “say it
This episode of the Simpsons describes deviance in a different way. This episode was a great example because you can distinguish any kind of movement that’s going on or if it has a meaning. This episode was made to entertain the audience because we are used to seeing cartoons for entertainment. The Simpson’s deviance was described in two ways, shoplifting and how Bart wanted a video game desperately.
Along with the satire of the ignorance of consumers these episode also discusses many stereotypes of modern day society. In this episode Bart meets a new kid, Bashir whose family recently moved to the United States from Jordan. The Simpsons have Bashir and his family over for dinner and Homer becomes suspicious of them because they are Muslim. Throughout the episode Homer tries, to prove that Bashir’s parents are terrorists. This situation represents the stereotypes that are created by society and some believe that all Muslim are dangerous terrorist. Sarcasm is shown in many instances, one that stuck out was when Homer makes fun of the Muslim religion and culture. Instead of saying “Praise Allah” he says “Praise be to Oliver” and instead of saying the Kuraan, he says “the Corona” Stereotypes are shown when Homer automatically assumes that Bashir’s parents are terrorists since they are Muslim. Another example is when one of Homer’s friend Leny tells him “He’s Muslim, so he must be up to something.”
The Simpson's episode Lisa on Ice explores and satirises the relationship between sister and brother, how sibling rivalry can cause distress and pressure upon children and also how society is obsessed with sports. These ideals are conveyed to the audience via the techniques inversion and anticlimax to name a few. Together these techniques expose human faults and weaknesses within our cultures and mindsets.
In this week’s application project essay, I would like to compare an older television show that projected family life as it was in the 1930’s as compared to how family is viewed from a sociological viewpoint today. “The Walton’s” may not have been an idealistic portrait of family, but the series did portray family as it really was in that era, since it was based on the autobiographical writings of Earl Hamner, Jr.
What is Multiculturalism? Multiculturalism is the presence of distinct cultural or ethnic groups within a society. Multiculturalism plays a big part in teenagers as well as adults life’s. For example the two tv shows The Brady Bunch and Modern Family have different cultural lenses and cultures causing them to view multiculturalism as well as diversity in different perspectives.
Sitcoms have existed ever since television was introduced to the family home, and continue to evolve along with television and society itself. Traditionally, sitcoms were centred around men, usually having only one or two female characters, however over time, societal changes and movements have drastically changed the way sitcoms have been presented to the public. Happy Days was produced in the 1970s; portraying the traditional 50s white American family. The ‘50s were a time recognised for being post World War II, the beginning desegregation, the rise of Rock N Roll as well as a widespread sense of stability, contentment and consensus. The
The Simpsons episode is considered comical to it’s viewers. It is not supposed to be a serious tone like Lord of the Flies. This is why the groups of kids both have different ways of handling things and keeping things in order. In the episode “Das Bus”, Nelson portrays Jack, Lisa portrays Simon, the two twins portray Sam and Eric, and Milhouse portrays Piggy. When Milhouse is charged for getting them stuck on this island, it is proposed that they have a court session to
The Simpsons reflect current events and everyday social interactions in a comedic narrative. Recent episodes involved topics such as female entry into an all-male military school, gun control, the role or educational and religious socialization in promoting adolescent conformity and the corporate downsizing. These “real life” illustration provide examples from episodes that discusses situations we all have been through. For example , in “Lisa on Ice” curriculum requirements forces Lisa to play hockey.
The show makes an obvious distinction between how men/boys and women/girls act. Anyway, the episode continues with lisa playing with her doll pretending that Malibu Stacy is giving a speech at the U.N, but Lisa is disappointed when she realizes that the new and improved doll says sexist remarks such as “don’t ask me, I’m just a girl” and “let’s buy make up so that boys will like us!”. Lisa goes on a rant about how “millions of girls will grow up thinking that this is the right way to act! That they cannot be anything more than vacuous ninnies...!”and gets really mad when Bart does not understand why she is so upset. The difference in communication styles is shown here as Lisa is more adept with words than Bart is as Bart can only give Lisa a stupid reply like “that’s what I was going to say.” This illustrates the stereotype that girls are more expressive and sensitive than boys are. On the other hand, Marge plays the more traditional housewife as her mind never delves into issues that are not relevant to the domestic center; she is not privy to relevant discussions on social issues like Lisa and cannot understand why Lisa is so upset. She said that Lisa had been speaking up “an awful lot lately.” This suggests that typical lady-like behavior does not include speaking out and that the mother should enforce positive female behavior. Additionally, in
This essay, The Myth of the Model American Family, is a discussion of the concept of an ideal family in the different perspective specifically social, cultural and economic. This is also an attempt to identify the structural changes in relation to the global development and the international economic crisis that immensely created impact on their lives. However, the discussion will limit itself on the different identifiable and observable transformations as manifested in the lifestyles, interrelationships and views of family members and will not seek to provide an assessment of their psycho-social and individual perceptions.
"The Simpsons" basis, a father, a mother, and three kids, is far from unusual. The "typical" American is a blue-collar worker not unlike the father, Homer, who works a mindless job at the local nuclear power plant in the Simpsons' hometown of Springfield which is basically Anytown, USA. Marge, the mother, is a fairly typical housewife besides her large blue beehive hairdo. Bart, is the rebellious older son; Lisa, the under-appreciated middle child; and Maggie, the adorable baby. The Simpsons don't live in luxury, but they are a generally happy family that encounters the problems of everyday, and not-so-everyday, life, something that millions can relate to. But there is something that sets "The Simpsons" apart from the
In fact, according to those behind the scenes, these forays into politics mark more than just material for the next laugh; rather, they are deliberate efforts to shape American society. "Simpsons" creator Matt Groening says that, under its facade of humor, the show is trying "to nudge people, jostle them a little, wake them up to some of the ways in which we're being manipulated and exploited." He adds, "'The Simpsons'' message over and over again is that your moral authorities don't always have your best interests in mind" (Doherty).
The Simpsons is an animated adult series created by Matt Groening. it depicts the lifestyle of middle class America in a satirical form represented by the dysfunctional Simpson family consisting of Homer, Marge,Bart,Lisa and Maggie. it is also a parody to American culture, television,society and conditions humans find their selfs in everyday. the show first aired on December 17th, 1987 and has broadcasted 558 episodes and on September 28th, 2014 the 26th season of the show started and is the longest-running American TV sitcom.
ABC’s Modern Family is a documentary-style comedy series that surrounds the lives of a diverse family. The family is made up of parents Phil and Claire who have two daughters and a son. Claire’s dad, Jay and his Latina wife, Gloria raise two sons of their own but people often believe Jay is Gloria’s father because of the age difference. Jay has a gay son, Mitchell, who lives with his partner Cameron and their adopted Asian daughter. Three different but related families make a unique show and are supposed to represent the families of today. The creators of this series are Steven Levitan and Chistopher Lloyd (IMDb, 2016). Modern Family is intended to be appropriate for all audiences and is geared towards families in the sense that the show tends to stay away from sex jokes or crude humor (Quora, 2016).
I could best describe my family being from a lower-working-class socioeconomic status during my childhood years. I base my answer on the fact that my father came to the United States as a migrant-worker when he was only 12 years old, never finishing up middle school. After years of coming back and forth from Mexico to the U.S. my father finally establish himself and meet my mother who only finished middle school. The biggest stress my family experience during my childhood was after the fact that my parents separated and my father gain full custody of me and my two siblings. Since he didn't have any family in the U.S. he was forced to take us (his children) to Mexico to be under the care of our grandparents while he stayed in the U.S. working