
The Situation Of Education For Young Girls

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The situation of education for young girls in Sub-Saharan Africa is very complex, difficult and troublesome. A vast majority of girls don’t get the chance to enroll in primary education, leaving secondary education out of the question because their foremost responsibility is to gather water from a local source. If they are lucky enough to receive an education, many of the young girls are forced to drop out once they have hit puberty because the majority of schools do not provide proper sanitation systems, such as toilets. However, when speaking of local water sources in developing regions, like Sub-Saharan Africa, the term “local” is one that is used very loosely, as in some instances children are required to travel up to forty miles, carrying forty pounds of for the most part fairly dirty water. Water is the primary foundation of life, yet some individuals are forced to spend their days searching for it. Around one hundred and fifty-seven million people in the Eastern and Southern regions of Africa lack access to clean and safe water distribution systems and this causes the need to use external water sources. Due to the many burdens associated with lack of access to water, let alone clean water, such as basic sanitation, education becomes less of a priority. In African culture females hold the primary responsibility to maintain a clean home environment, cooking, cleaning and sanitation included, holding them responsible for the household water supply. A survey conducted in

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