
The Slavery Of African Slavery

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In America, people know that slavery existed for about four- hundred years. The enslavement of Africans was probably the most horrific events in American history. Within these 400 years not only were people taken against their will and put to work for no pay. This time can even be considered a Holocaust in America. Many slaves were beaten, raped and killed because of it, several lives were sacrificed throughout this disgusting era in American history. Slavery was definitely the roughest time period in America for any race, but at the time America loved slavery. For slaves were the key component in the upbringing of American in its early stages. Slaves were forced to give free labor, which allowed slave owners to thrive financially due to not having to pay their workers any money. But what exemplified the entire system of slavery that made it such a successful venture at the time was, it was legal. Yes, to strip a human being from any rights, break up family, take away their dignity as a human, and force them to tireless hours for no pay was completely legal. This system gave people rights of people, “Slave Owners” where within the rights to claim other human beings their own property, with no penalty or repercussions. If you were African in America you no longer able to keep your name. As a Slave, you were given a new name, you were no longer treated like a man or a woman but like property. With all these terrible things there had to be a system put in place to make sure

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