
The Sniper Summary

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The book is great and is about how the most successful sniper got to where he was and how hard he worked to get there. The second paragraph is about what Chris Kyle did before he joined the navy. The third paragraph is going to be about B.U.DE.S. The fourth paragraph is about how he conducted his job in the field. The fifth paragraph is just a continuation of the fourth paragraph. The sixth paragraph is going to be about some of his operations that he did during his deployment. The seventh is going to be about his life when he got back stateside. When Chris Kyle Was in high school he lived in Texas and he was a ranch and while he went to high school. He also when to rodeos to win some money for fun. Chris Kyle was a ranch hand for two guys …show more content…

The first mission that he had when he got his sniper certification was to go pull security for the Marines and then he got his first kill on a of many to come. Then another one of his appointments he was set up on the rooftop only security for Marines again and there was a counter sniper on another roof and a couple insurgents on the ground that were shooting up out of one of them pulled out a rocket and shot the wall that he was taking cover behind and a lot of rubble rubble fell on him and he injured his leg and he didn't notice it was injured until after the gun fight and he was downstairs and one of his teammates said something about it. Then another time they were clearing out a village or town and there were these railroad tracks and insurgents were hiding behind it behind them because there was a swamp behind it never using the swamp to cross so didn't get shot at there a couple incidence about this one was that there were these three guys on beach balls and instead of shooting the guys he shot that beach balls and then he shot the guy. This was where he got his longest shot there was a guy about a mile and a half away from him and he didn't have a long range sniper so the guys were teasing him about not being able to hit him because at this time his nickname was the legend and so he took up the challenge the guy that was aiming at them was about a mile and a half away Chris Kyle just got lucky and it was a lucky shot he even said it himself that he could never make that shot

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