
The Souls Journey: Death And Rebirth

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In this essay i will argue for the idea of the soul surviving death. The idea of surviving death has been floating around for years and has been debated by many. It is undeniable that the physical body cannot survive death, but the soul is a whole other matter. The soul itself, the containment of our thoughts, personality and experiences, survives the biological death of the body. The belief in the soul requires the belief in reincarnation based simply on science because of the laws of thermodynamics. Energy cannot be created or destroyed- it can only change its form. The soul it’s self can never be destroyed or die, thus must be reborn. Since the body is "recycled" by decay and decomposition after death, so does the soul, the soul is recycled by taking birth in a new form. To become something new while containing something old. We are all born with a full soul that has a personality, but as we grow, we grow into our personalities; we become more us as we age. The soul doesn’t require an actually body to live but without a body the soul can’t gain new knowledge or experiences. The soul takes the form of many different species to obtain the greatest experience of physical life. The two philosophical articles i will be using in this essay are Rosenberg’s “life after death” and Suits’s argument.

Summarization of the two articles: Rosenberg “life after death”: claims death is one of five things: end of existence, end of life, end of the condition of life, end of life history

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