
The Squash And Badminton Club

Better Essays

TO: Squash and Badminton Club FROM: Anthony Montanez DATE: 17/04/15 1.0 TERMS OF REFERENCE The Squash and Badminton Club requested a short formal report covering these topics, why using a systems development methodology is important when developing a business information system. And also requested to outline the approach, techniques used and also asked to include the strengths and weaknesses, of a methodology that myself personally choose and include whether it would be suitable to use in The Squash and Badminton Club scenario, Squash and badminton club also asked to identify the best possible solution for the process modelled hardware and software has to be included and the last one is to identify the possible IT management and security issues that has to be considered for the processes modelled of the club. The requested report has to be submitted before (Tuesday 12th May 2015 by 4:00PM) 2.0 PROCEDURE • Conducting a research regarding systems development methodology • Reviewed the slides from last semester from BIS module • Researched different approaches of System development methodology • Researched Prototype methodology 3.0 FINDINGS 3.1Using system development methodology I have found out that system development methodology is really important when developing a business information system. As it give helps you to organised the task and allows you to have more control on developing an information system, According to(Pandey 2011)it deals to the

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